8 ways to dress for work in summer.

Dressing for work in this scorching weather can be quite the challenge. While it’s important to update your wardrobe for the summer, how do you ensure you’re not taking it too far? As compiled by Rilancio, here are some rules that can help you get your summer office fashion right.

Choose the right footwear

Flip-flops are a summer staple but flip-flopping around the office is generally frowned upon. Of course, it depends on the culture at your workplace but sandals or pumps are a much more acceptable option and equally as comfortable. Opt for shoes with a chunky wedge if you want a bit of height. Read more...

Pick the right fabrics

Go for light, breathable materials like cotton or linen blends. Although silk and linen also seem perfectly suitable for the weather, linen wrinkles easily and silk doesn’t breathe. Lightweight jersey and tropical-weight wools are much better options if you want to avoid wrinkles and sweat-marks. Read More...

Get the right handbag

Cotton and canvas are the best fabric options for your summer bag. Nylon bags are also lightweight but the material does not breathe against your skin and will cause you sweat. Try keeping the contents of your bag light too. Read more....

Keep an extra layer

It may be extremely hot outside but freezing inside because of air conditioning. Pairing your outfit with a lightweight jacket or a cardigan is a great way to adjust to the different temperatures you’ll encounter throughout your day.

Look around you

What you can and cannot wear depends on what kind of job you have. Look at what your boss and co-workers are wearing to figure out what to wear. You may also be able to check your company’s employee handbook for their summer dress code policy, if they have one. However even in a casual environment, what you wear is a reflection of your professionalism

Keep straps hidden

Wear tops that don’t show straps peeking out. A white top is a summer staple but it’s important to be careful of what you wear underneath. Not only should your tank top match the colour of the shirt you’re wearing, it should also not be too think so as to avoid feeling hot.

Careful with sleeveless

Just because something is appropriate for the weather does not mean that it is appropriate for the office. Depending on the environment of the workplace, sleeveless tops could be an option. However, any tops with straps thinner than three fingers are not recommended.

Not all work wear is dull

Don’t be afraid to go bright during the summer, even at the office. You can never go wrong with a classic black and white outfit as it can be livened with a pop of colour in your sandals or bag.